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![]() 12 Points onRADIATION© Written and compiled by Dr John Whitman Ray N.D., M.D. (M.A.) from "Patient's Guide to Body Electronics" by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray (1994) 1The future is determined by our actions of the present and our consciousness which determines our choice of action. It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that there does exist a serious problem regarding the disposal of nuclear waste. It has been established by prominent scientists, beyond reasonable doubt, that the nuclear testing, nuclear accidents, nuclear generators, and nuclear waste have already contaminated the atmosphere, the water, the earth and all living things on our planet. This contamination is protected by those in power to continue for many years. It is already known and acknowledged that the contamination which has already occurred may take 1000’s of years to correct, as the problem currently exists. Just the recognition and consideration of the fact that there is no known method to correct the current amount of nuclear contamination in the world today justifies our taking immediate action to bring about an immediate and permanent cessation of the continued use of any form of atomic or nuclear energy.
2It is understood that massive resistance shall arise from that segment of the elite who are motivated by economic profit and are dedicated to the perpetuation of the use of nuclear energy, even though the continuation of nuclear energy will gradually result in nuclear waste buildup. Long term problems are ignored in favor of short term profits at the expense of the safety of future generations. Yet, we the people have ascertained that greater importance is to be focused on the preservation of our genetic pool which preserves the perpetuation of both our plant and animal life and also shall ensure the perpetuation of the human species. The preservation of the genetic pool shall take precedence, without exception, over any motive which is concerned with financial profit and investment. The United States National Academy of Science’s Genetics Committee has stated unanimously the following:
The arms of all intelligent beings with long range vision, as compared to short range expediency for purpose of profit, are raised collectively in indignation against those who continue the use of any form of nuclear power or energy. These same citizens collectively demand that governmental powers protest against those who perpetuate irresponsibly the continued use of nuclear energy, a sacrilege to those who value the sacredness of life. The people therefore shall speak out and demand appropriate governmental action from those who represent them. 3It is understood that massive resistance shall arise from those who believe and promote nuclear energy as a preventive ingredient or deterrent for the prevention of war. The sincerity of these military officers and executives in charge of national security are not in question. The cat is always sincere as he stalks his prey. Yet, when we all carefully learn from history we will quickly comprehend that:
A famous Spanish-U.S. philosopher, poet and critic by the name of George Santayana stated with great insight:
It is therefore deemed necessary by the candid and comprehensive mind that we as a people must change our direction from planning for war and the prevention of war which in itself contributes to the cause of war, to thinking and planning for peace. History has taught us this lesson well. Have we forgotten so soon, that black mark against mankind which we choose not to remember, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where on the 6th and 8th of August, 1945, 80,000 and 40,000 1ives were instantly terminated, and 100,000’s more died from radiation and sickness due to excessive radiation exposure. Many more lived for a time to bear the scars and emotional illness which originated from that one moment of obliteration to oblivion. 4If ever we were to arrive at a time when a nuclear war would take place, it is obvious that no one would win as the after effects shall be so devastating that it would take mankind 1000’s of years to recover, if due to mutational factors, recovery would be possible at all. Much has been stated concerning the prospects of nuclear winter from which mankind would take 1000’s of years to recover, if at all.
5Let us assume that we do have a genuine concern for our future generations. If this is so, then we shall do everything in our power to prevent the continuing contamination of our genetic pool which is contributing to the increase in genetic mutations, no matter how subtle. Please consider:
How much longer are we going to be fearful, blind and foolish, and allow this continual intrusion, in the form of nuclear contamination, into our life which has the capacity to destroy our future as a race of human beings? 6Greenpeace, an international association, staffed with a team of competent scientists, has recently conclusively indicated that scientific tests of water beyond the 12 mile limit at the Mururoa atoll in French Polynesia, is contaminated by nuclear material which is emanating radiation.
Who knows the long term consequences of genetic mutation that will result from continued exposure to nuclear contamination in both plant and animal species? Every effort must be expended to protect that which we for so long have taken for granted. 7It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that health factors concerning both animal and vegetable life are directly related to the irreversible damaging effect of nuclear contamination. How much longer are we, as responsible leaders and contributors to the welfare of mankind, going to allow this insult to human, animal and vegetable life to continue? 8For many years, psychologists have been aware of people who seem to have self-destruct tendencies which are associated with the desire for death which have been called "death wishes". These "death wishes" cloud the intelligence of man and have adverse effects on their behavior. Added to this problem, the continual spread of the AIDS virus has reached pandemic proportions. It has been proven conclusively that of those who test HIV positive, 50% indicate, according to cat scan examination, a general shrinking of the brain inside the skull. This shrinking results in AIDS dementia.
Are we going to continue to allow the unstable thinking of scientists and politicians to continue on the path of eventual destruction which is now further complicated with the advent of AIDS dementia and our right to question the decisions of our leaders? Are we going to continue to align ourselves with those who, through their actions, would create an unstable future? According to tests done with a cat scan on those with full blown symptoms of AIDS, it has been found that 90% of those with full blown AIDS symptoms indicate brain shrinkage as associated with AIDS dementia. This intrusion into our civilization known as the AIDS virus now gives additional cause to demand that there exist an immediate cessation to the use of all atomic or nuclear energy, and to remove from positions of responsibility all those who insist on the continued use of nuclear energy in any form. With the advent of the AIDS dementia, all executive decisions contrary to the highest and best good of the people, must be called into question, and with that the competency of the leaders to represent the people, must be called into question. 9All nuclear or atomic energy results in nuclear contamination.
An established fact which leaves no doubt is that there is no safe level of nuclear contamination. Scientists, admittedly, acknowledge that there has not been devised a safe method of disposal for atomic or nuclear waste. Any disposal methods have only indicated problems that our future generations shall inherit for 1000’s of years to come, with no solution offered. 10This planet is our home. We cannot allow it to be contaminated and then move on to another home. Another home is not available. This home is our responsibility to care for and maintain. This is our inheritance and shall be the inheritance of our children and our children’s children. Are we going to allow thoughtless men who have no concern for the future to continue to irreversibly contaminate our home, or are we going to forcibly demand that this folly end immediately? What would we do if some stranger came into our home and took petrol or gasoline and poured it all over our belongings and then took a match and lit it?
Nuclear contamination is a ticking time bomb that is already slowly exploding. We have not yet seen the silent and deadly long term effects. We are now capable and determined to take appropriate and widespread action NOW and are determined to prevent the continuation of this intrusion into our lives and the lives of our future generations. 11The time has come to take action from all fronts, including economic and political, to stop the continued use of any form of atomic or nuclear energy. The profit motive is no ldnger acceptable in any form to an enlightened citizenry. The ploy of peace preservation and the associated motives is unacceptable in any form to sensitive and intelligent souls. The private right of each country to nuclear testing has proven that:
None are exempt from the contamination of any type of testing or contamination from any type of use of nuclear materials. 12By making no choice in this matter of grave concern, we relegate ourselves to a future of darkness, disgrace and despair. When we clearly see that certain things require our attention and that we must do them to protect our future and we do nothing, we can then forever relegate ourselves to one of three categories: 1. the category of incompetency or of unsound mind.
Allowing misguided scientists and irresponsible unthinking leadership to continue in their activities without applying diligently due economic and political pressure is a distinct violation of the trust the people have placed in their political leadership. The power of political leadership always comes from the people who entrusted them to power, therefore the leader is always accountable to those who have entrusted him with this power, and have the responsibility of properly representing them and their rightful requests. The only simple solution is to end immediately all use of nuclear energy and then to let things settle out or seek their own level of activity so that more attention can be placed on resolving differences between all types of life styles, religions, customs, temperaments, racial considerations, etc. within a structure protecting all people with their right to the exercise of conscience within a framework of "Unity in Diversity". Within this framework shall exist the protection of all mankind in the free expression of their individual rights as long as they do not interfere with the individual rights of others. The future will vindicate our determined actions of today.
I now leave this issue in your hands, where does exist the power to act, as representatives of the people, for the ultimate interest of those future unborn whose ancestors have entrusted you with the opportunity to serve. Respectively Submitted, John Whitman Ray, N.D., M.D. (M.A.) ¹ Continue to THE SECRET DIARY OF ADMIRAL RICHARD EVELYN BYRD. ________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2018 John Robert BodyMindHealing.info All Rights Reserved. |