[If you are a B.E. participant and require explanation about your taking of nutrition supplements and what may occur during healing, to show your family, friends and/or health professionals, print this page for them to read - Print Version
To whom it may concern,
My purpose in writing to you is to support the Body Electronics
Participant in their choice, involvement and healing journey
with Body Electronics. I hope this information helps by
supporting you to some degree as well.
This letter is also an attempt to dissipate any potential
professional or personal, role or ethics conflicts regarding the
participation of your relative, friend or client with Body
Electronics. Its purpose is also to educate.
I say the following with reverence to all people and
professions concerned, and with the understanding that each
person involved, offers well-intended care and support to the
Body Electronics participant. I also believe that we all, as
individuals are performing our roles as best we can, according
to our interests, perceptions and abilities.
My aim is to clarify, not complicate. Some concepts that may be
new to you may also be somewhat challenging. If there is
anything I say here that you wish to either have clarified or,
would like to constructively comment on, please email me from my
site so I can help and, perhaps rewrite that part of the letter
to clarify it for others. I have also included reference and
further reading links, for more thorough investigation.
Please study this letter carefully. The contents include:
- Brief explanation of Body Electronics.
- Participants' rights and responsibilities.
- Starting Body Electronics related to
- Introduction to Nature Cure and the healing
- Body Electronics healing crises.
- Enjoying the healing crises.
- Comparing healing methods in terms of body
- A potential problem: Western Medicine or
Naturopathy meets Body Electronics.
- Problem avoided: a suggested approach.
- The need for continuing nutritional
- Mineral supplementation after cessation of
Body Electronics.
- The need for education regarding Body
Electronics concepts.
- Summary and conclusion.
- References & Further Reading
1Brief Explanation of Body
The first goal of Body Electronics is to help people help
themselves to become more healthy in both mind and body, by
living in tune with natural law and maintaining a zest for life.
Body Electronics enables a level of improvement of health,
beyond that which is generally considered normal.
Body Electronics is a natural healing method comprising an
individualised program of nutrient saturation of the body and, a
unique style of sustained accupressure pointholding. These,
combined with the comprehensive clearing of past trauma on the
emotional and mental levels, may produce gradual, radical bodily
regeneration (tissue reconstruction) and clearer thinking
ability. The main health assessment tool is 'Iris-Sclera
Integrated Diagnosis'.
The process allows access to, and gradual healing of the
reactive part of the subconscious mind, via the body; bodily
regeneration is the concurrent result. This dual effect on mind
and body, may produce major positive changes for people, so they
become able to live more peacefully, successfully and
The founder of Body Electronics and Iris-Sclera Integrated
Diagnosis was the late Prof.
Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray. For more complete explanation of
Body Electronics, please read the material at www.bodymindhealing.info
and other websites from the links page.
Please note: There are important contra-indications that must
be taken into account before any decision to do Body Electronics
is made. Please see my overview
page for the contra-indications list.
2Participants' Rights and
As a nursing student many years ago, I learned the expression:
"Client Centred Care", which was taught as the most important
professional approach. One definition for this is:
"An approach in which clients are viewed as whole
persons;..." "...Client centred care involves advocacy,
empowerment, and respecting the client's autonomy, voice,
self-determination, and participation in decision-making." (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
2002/2006 p.12
- updated version 2015 referenced below.. remains similar but seems to include what I consider to be 'corporate- and accademia-speak' so I kept to older defintion here; the updated version is referenced below)
In Body Electronics a parallel approach is recommended;
participants of Body Electronics are the decision makers for
their own direction. It is their enthusiasm for learning the
skills of Body Electronics and applying them, which supplies the
impetus for their healing. In most instances, those who are not
interested in learning, cannot be helped. This encourages
responsibility-taking and interdependence within the framework
of a people-helping-people community.
Participants take as much of this responsibility as they are
able. As their understanding and health gradually improves, they
become more responsible and have the capacity for greater
understanding. Body Electronics is after all, a self-healing,
personal growth lifestyle.
It goes almost without saying however, that a responsible
practitioner offers honest practical guidance and information
throughout the participants' healing journey. Participants'
understanding depends not only upon their willingness to learn,
but also the practitioner's knowledge and teaching skill. So it
may be seen that both practitioner and participants are on
parallel journeys of experiential learning.
Care must be taken by all significant people in the
participants' lives including professionals, not to undermine
nor to invalidate participants' decisions. This includes the
choice of involvement with Body Electronics.
In the case of children or adolescents, parental guidance plays
it's normal role, so that the parents assume that part of
responsibility that their children, at their stage of
development, are unable to accept. Ideally, decision making in
this instance is shared proportionately and, respected by
From a practical view, the participant may still need support
of family and friends, in order to do what it takes to be
involved with Body Electronics. As is often the case, a
community or team approach can work wonders.
To this end, it is the participant's responsibility to
appropriately inform and reassure those around them, of what may
occur during their healing journey with Body Electronics. This
letter may allow this to be done more easily.
3Starting Body Electronics Related to
People with any sort of illness or disability, may require help
in the short-term and long-term.
In the short-term, they need to be kept safe, at a level of
function which enables self-care or assisted self-care and,
maintenance of livelihood if possible.
In the long-term they may want to improve their health using
Body Electronics, which allows the possibility of gradual
reduction and hopefully vanishment, of the original illness or
While on this healing journey, a level of function is still
highly necessary. Therefore, upon starting the Body Electronics
program, people may still require medication for their health
Some participants of Body Electronics might take it upon
themselves to give up their medication. This is definitely not
recommended unless the original medical order was to take their
medication "only when necessary". Therefore it is advisable for
those on medication, to be assessed by a medical practitioner
for such a reduction to occur safely.
With Body Electronics, there is no way to tell how long healing
may take, so the medication may be necessary for even quite a
while longer. Everyone is different in this regard. With some,
it can be surprisingly quick, but there is no way to predict
this. It depends on the health problems concerned and many
individual variables.
A medication may postpone healing of a health problem, to some
degree. This is because the action of synthetic or animal
derived medications upon the body as a whole, may be
suppressive. I explain this later. In general however, I think
that this would be a small price to pay for predictable safety
of the participant.
All going well however, as symptoms diminish as a result of Body Electronics, medication dose may be gradually reduced by the medical practitioner.
A gentle word of warning: a person may already be doing Body
Electronics when they consult a health professional. Newly
prescribed medications (even herbal ones) at this stage, may be detrimental to their healing.
A medication may also impinge upon the body's ability to heal at all by directly antagonising the Body Electronics nutritional program. For instance (and this will vary from one person to the next), my mother had problems with diuretic antihypertensive medications which drained all minerals from her system in just a couple of days.. she was hospitalised twice for two different medications.
I expand on this from another view, later in this letter.
4Introduction to Nature Cure and the
Healing Crisis
Body Electronics is a major extention of Nature Cure (also
called Natural Hygiene). The philosophy of Nature Cure formed
the basis of modern naturopathy from the late 1800's and early
Nature Cure denotes the use of therapeutic inteventions which
are available in nature, and do not suppress body physiology in
any way. For example: cessation of suppressive lifestyle habits;
fresh air, sunshine and exercise; eating fresh and raw food in
season; hydrotherapy (using cold, warm or hot water
therapeutically); most herbal and homeopathic remedies. Further
reading: the book by Henry Lindlahr, M.D., and another by Herbert M Shelton, both classics.
With non-suppressive remedies, the body begins to cleanse
itself of toxic materials that have built up over time. These
may be foreign to the body, like pollutants, or metabolic wastes
that have remained as a result of poor circulation, for example.
This cleansing is a "healing crisis".
With continual application of nature cure principles, the
healing process follows Hering's Law of Cure. Dr. Hering was a
physician and homeopath, who made many discoveries upon which
homeopathy is now based. His Law of Cure, which is relevant to
all nature cure methods, states in summary that:
all healing starts from within out, from the head down,
from more vital to less vital organs and in reverse
chronological order as the symptoms first appeared.
This can help understand, what may be expected for people
involved in nature cure methods. Participants' symptoms of
earlier problems, return to a relatively subtle degree, in order
for the body to heal properly.
5Body Electronics Healing Crises
With the Body Electronics program, there are many more high
quality, non-suppressive nutrients used, than with most other
supplemented dietry programs. These work together
synergistically to have a strong cleansing effect, when
participants first begin. Participants are educated about this
ahead of time, so they know what to expect and are prepared.
Some may choose to start the program more gradually.
Symptoms of healing crises vary markedly from person to person.
These may initially include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea with
associated aches and pains thoughout the body. Any way the body
has available to it, to most efficiently eliminate the toxins
within, will be utilized by it. Sometimes the body will reject
aberant tissue from the gut, using whichever 'exit' is closest.
The body may also produce sores or rashes on the skin, which
pass as mysteriously as they appear.
There are so many individual variables, it is difficult to
predict this process. The above symptoms may not occur all at
once, or even much at all. For example, I have been on the
program for some years and never vomited... I had all the other
symptoms but, not always all at once.
If the participant has a history of alcohol or drug abuse,
there could be some sensations which return to be re-experienced
as these toxic substances are finally removed. Hence the need
for good support! Feelings of emotional discomfort may come and
go (e.g. apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain) as the layers of
residual drugs are gradually reduced from body tissues.
Normally, such re-experiencing occurs much faster than the
original drug taking episodes.
With Body Electronics, the main healing crises take place
during the pointholding sessions, in a controlled and safe
environment, amongst supportive peers and, with at least an
experienced facilitator present. In some instances however,
emotions or odd aches and pains could arise at other times. The
participant learns how to handle these, with love, patience and
good humour.
An important principle to observe with healing crises, is:
What gets a person into a healing crisis, gets them out of
it... and:
The way out of a healing crisis is the way through it.
During a major healing crisis, it might appear to onlookers and
health professionals, as though the participant's condition is
deteriorating. The reverse however, is normally true. This is
because Hering's Law of Cure explained above, is operating
freely. The body can cleanse itself of toxins together with any
associated toxic thoughts, feelings and beliefs, so the illness
can gradually be healed.
It may be seen that symptoms from long ago illnesses return to
some degree, as the next appropriate 'layer of the onion' is
revealed to be healed. Even blood tests may support the
symptomatic findings in these instances. Therefore, care must be
taken by health professionals, not to react until all the facts
of the case are known (see below).
In some infrequent cases, other factors can enter in, which are
unrelated to that particular healing crisis. A qualified Body
Electronics practitioner is trained to assess the difference
between a healing crisis and a 'disease crisis'. If there is any
doubt, a Body Electronics practitioner must be consulted first
to determine this.
Please see also Dr. John Ray's precise explanation of the
healing crisis in his "12 Points on Body Electronics; Introduction for Beginners".
6Enjoying the Healing Crises
As a participant of Body Electronics, one learns the overriding
principle of accepting and enthusiastically 'loving' the
discomfort of healing crises, with the understanding that: "This
too, shall pass".
If discomfort or pain of a healing crisis ever becomes too much
for a participant to bare, there are simple ways to take the
edge off this. For example, lots of TLC (tender loving care) and
empathy, good humour, a cooked meal or two. The choice might
also be made to "double up" on the nutritional program, in order
to get through it as efficiently as possible; the latter does
take a bit of courage :-)
Funny thing about loving or enjoyment of discomfort during
healing crises: the more a person 'loves' a discomfort, the more
comfortable they become with it. They make it "OK" to be
uncomfortable. In this way, the discomfort is gradually
transmuted and ideally, may simply vanish. This is one use of
the Law of Love.
7Comparing Healing Methods in Terms
of Body Balance
What is body balance? Let's begin with homeostasis.
My old medical & nursing dictionary states that homeostasis
is "a relative constancy in the internal environment of the
body, naturally maintained by adaptive responses that promote
healthy survival..."(C.V. Mosby Co. 1986)
This in part, describes balance in regard to the physical body.
Homeostasis can be taken further and in more subtle yet
profound ways by natural therapists. Such therapists use their
many skills to help fine-tune peoples' homeostasis, to bring
about a balance of energy and function between organs and the
different biological systems of the body. This also includes
balancing of emotional and mental faculties in relation to the
body. One reason why these faculties are included is because it
is known that these influence the body's function.
Balancing therapies help people come to a more perfect
'homeostasis'. For example, massage not only helps to relax the
body, but has a calming, meditative effect on the emotions. This
in turn reduces the stress response and frees peoples' energy
for more productive activity. Stability returns.
Balance therefore, could be described as a state of dynamic
stability and equality of function between the body, mind and
spiritual aspects of personal experience. It can be attained by
a large variety of healing methods. When a person is in balance,
they feel very good.
Most natural therapists for example, accupuncturists,
kinesiologists, homeopaths*1, etc.,
are experts at balancing. From a Body Electronics perspective,
balancing is important for everyday living; however, there is
more to health than balancing.
While balancing makes people feel good and function better
relative to how they may have been previously, it may also
unknowingly mask a potential for tissue regeneration. As Dr.
John Ray used to say: Balancing may produce a situation of
"...feeling good, but dying slowly". Tissue regeneration
however, may take people a lot further with their health than
balancing alone.
With Body Electronics it is found that there are many levels of
balance, corresponding with higher or lower levels of cellular
function. That is, people can be in or out of balance at
different levels of function.
Balancing is a subtle adjustment. It improves body function
within the level of balance at which people find themselves.
Tissue regeneration is a gross adjustment whereby original
function may be restored. This necessitates the taking of people
out of their level of balance (or non-balance) through their own
volition, propelling themselves to much higher levels of
balance. This regenerates the physical body structure, so that
proper function naturally follows.
In general, balance can be tested with any style of kinesiology
testing. These test the strength of certain muscles in response
to question, food samples or anatomical contact. With Body
Electronics, a preferred method of this is done using food and
nutritional supplement samples 'double blind', so neither
practitioner nor client knows the sample being tested, until the
testing is done.
Body Electronics uses only those supplements in the nutritional
program which muscle-test strongly for individuals. That is,
they promote the 'upscale' movement to higher levels of body
balance. This necessitates the use of exceptionally high quality
supplements, which may not be generally preferred by natural
therapists or medicos. Many other supplements may take the
participant 'downscale', thus preventing proper healing crises.
It has been suggested that there are three main groups of
healing methods in the world today:
- Suppressive therapies, e.g. chemical, surgical, radiation
and electroshock treatments
- Balancing therapies, e.g. Naturopathy, Traditional Cultural
and Kinesiological disciplines
- Reconstructive therapies,*2 e.g.
Body Electronics
These three groups alter the level of balance of the bodymind
differently via their individual methods. Corresponding to these
groups, the following describe in hugely general terms, how they
do this:
- Some medical approaches (e.g. chemical, surgical or
radiation treatments) help people heal, by creating a lower
level of balance in the body, alleviating symptoms by
suppression - very necessary in life-threatening situations.
- Most natural therapies help people heal by positively
balancing the bodymind, bringing about a cessation of
symptoms. Balancing techniques and products used are generally
subtle and gently applied, though they can be powerful over a
period of time.
- Body Electronics, one of only a couple of reconstructive
therapies known to myself, takes participants out of their
level of balance or non-balance, by raising both their
awareness and the electrical potential of their body cells,
via the healing crisis. This dissolves cellular memory*3
of the once suppressed trauma, and takes people to much higher
levels of balance. This means, that the new state of balance
occurs at a much higher level of cell/body function. The
concurrent breaking of long-term patterns of thought, together
with physical regeneration, also creates long-term resistance
to disease.
I believe that each of these approaches have important roles to
play and, that there is potential for these groups to work side
by side, aware of the benefits of each other. This could form a
more integrated multi-disciplinary approach to health.
Individuals may then choose more wisely, which method best suits
their needs at any given time.
*1 Homeopathy balances, and it
also adheres to nature cure philosophy. The action of Body
Electronics is entirely different to homeopathy. This is not an
evaluation of therapies.
*2 The word 'regenerate' or
'regenerative' has proved to be confusing in similar
explanations. It is often used in explanations of balancing
therapies. I have used the term 'reconstructive' to
differentiate between regenerative therapies like Body
Electronics and balancing therapies like accupuncture. Balancing
therapies sometimes bring about a level of regeneration over
time. Reconstructive regeneration denotes the manifestation of
new or renewed tissue structure and consequent return of
*3 Cellular memory is a term used
in some healing disciplines, to describe the memory of past
personal or inhereted trauma at the cellular level. This memory
and the inherent negative beliefs within it, were once
crystallized into physical form by suppression. This is
considered by many, to be at least a part of the 'cause' of
illness or disability. Body Electronics appears to
experientially prove this hypothesis from participants'
viewpoints, repeatedly.
8A Potential Problem
Here's how a problem might arise - consider this senario:
A Body Electronics participant goes into a healing crisis and
seemingly becomes ill (to onlookers). Well-meaning family
members or friends demand that the person seeks medical or
naturopathic help. Their persistance wares the participant
down, and to appease their loved-ones an appointment is made
by the participant.
The health professional, not understanding the principles of
Body Electronics has understandably no idea, how else to
assess this person other than in the way they have always
practiced. An 'illness' or a 'worsening' of the person's
condition is therefore diagnosed by a medical practitioner. In
the case where a natural therapist is consulted, let's say a
major 'imbalance' is recorded.
Both professionals might then insist that the participant
stop taking whatever nutritional supplements they were on, and
start taking their advice - an entirely normal action. This
advice might probably involve medical or naturopathic
suppression or balancing out of symptoms, to a greater or
lesser degree.
In this case therefore, it becomes possible that a medical
practitioner or natural therapist, by practicing what is
right and true for their professions, can unwittingly
deprive their patient of healing, thus turning the healing
crisis into a disease crisis.
This may determine an outcome which is equally or more
devistating than the original illness - due to the original
illness being allowed to continue at the level of 'crisis',
unchecked by the high nutritional intake and, the interrupted
healing crisis.
The action of stopping the Body Electronics Nutritional
Program can range from very dangerous to at least very
unwise, depending on the medical and health history of the
9Problem Avoided: A Suggested
From section 7 above regarding body balance, it can be seen
that between either western medicine or natural therapy and,
Body Electronics, there is potential for conflicting
disciplinary ethics.
For example with western medicine, treatments are usually
suppressive on the body, which directly opposes the action of
Body Electronics. The balancing methods of natural therapies,
can disrupt the work of Body Electronics equally, though perhaps
not as severely as western medicine.
When concern about the participant's condition first arises,
whether by the participant, family members, friends or
professionals, the first assessment to be made is:
"Do the participant's signs or symptoms, indicate a
healing crisis or a disease crisis?"
If anyone is in doubt about this, then the first
person to consult would be the Body Electronics Practitioner.
This assessment will determine what is occurring for the
participant. In a major healing crisis, there are three specific
signs that together, will confirm that a healing crisis is in
These cannot be described here. They are taught to and
experienced first hand by participants at the seminars. Body
Electronics practitioners therefore, normally have a good
grounding in this.
Once the assessment determines that a healing crisis only is
occurring, then there is nothing in particular that the
participant need do by way of changing their course of action
(except to really enjoy the experience). If however, the
participant has been assessed as having a disease crisis, then
the referral would more than likely be, to the participant's
medical practitioner. The latter I believe, would be a fairly
rare occurance.
10The Need for Continuing
Nutritional Supplementation
In most participants (except those who are in early stages of
regeneration from spinal cord injury), Body Electronics begins
by cleansing the gut and then regenerating the endocrine
(glandular) system. The order in which the glands are healed is
from the bottom upwards. That is, the gonads (ovaries or testes)
are the first to regenerate. Once working properly, gonads
produce and secrete more oestrogens (type of hormone) into the
One unfortunate action of some oestrogens, is that they may
stimulate growth of some types of pre-cancerous or cancerous
tissue, encouraged by an anaerobic environment (Invivo,
2003). Until the pancreas has regenerated significantly,
which can take quite a while, there appears little to counteract
the oestrogens except the proteolytic enzymes, consumed as part
of the Body Electronics nutritional program (also contained in
mature green papaya and kiwi fruit).
A properly working or regenerated pancreas, produces and
secretes abundant quantities of chymotrypsinogen. This becomes
chymotrypsin (Stryer et. al., 2002) in the
small intestine. Chymotrypsin is a protealytic enzyme which
helps to break down proteins in digestion. This, together with
an aerobic environment, appears to prevent overgrowth of
pre-cancerous tissue. So, between starting Body Electronics and
regenerating the pancreas, the only way to get enough
protealytic enzymes to protect the body, is to eat them.
Please, never for any reason, encourage a person who is or
has been a participant of Body Electronics, to stop taking
their nutritional supplements, especially enzymes. A disease
crisis may be the outcome of such action.
This is also the reason that if participants decide to
discontinue Body Electronics before their pancreas has
regenerated fully,*4 they may need
to keep taking at least the enzymes from the nutritional
program, in similar quantities thereafter.
The question as to the likelihood of this oestrogenic effect
occurring in those who stop taking enzymes before pancreatic
regeneration, remains to be determined. There are so many
individual variables to consider and it is therefore, very
difficult to predict.
Having known of tragic consequences of this on more than one
occasion however, my personal recommendation is to assume that
there would be a reasonable probability of an oestrogenic effect
*4 It has been observed by Body
Electronics practitioners over many years, that the vast
majority of people begin their healing journey with their
pancreas having less than optimal function. That is, there are
often signs of sub-clinical pancreatic deficiency.
11Mineral supplementation after
cessation of Body Electronics
This it is something important to be aware of and perhaps test
for at the appropriate time, if there is reason to.
It has been found that continuing to take the same minerals as
those which are included in the Body Electronics program, may be
detrimental to an ex-participant in the long term. This is
because some individuals may be sensitive to iron overload,
which may cause disruption and damage to organs.
The minerals used in the program contain fair amounts of iron.
In a few individuals this may cause a higher than normal iron
retention, when not being utilized by the body for
pointholding/tissue reconstruction. Potential for iron overload
is increased by other lifestyle factors also, for example
consumption of red meat.
If this becomes relevant and mineral supplementation is desired
when not involved in Body Electronics, finding a mineral source
that does not contain iron may be appropriate.
In my opinion it would be wise, when stopping or pausing from
Body Electronics pointholding, to obtain complete blood tests
including iron studies, to ensure ongoing nutritional safety.
12The Need for Education Regarding
Body Electronics Concepts
Body Electronics works - as long as the process is not
Most people are emotionally reactive to some degree. No matter
how well-trained people are as professionals, emotions can run
high in the face of conflicting viewpoints and
Understanding Body Electronics involves a major paradigm shift.
Things which are not normally considered possible become the
norm; miracles become expected when they are understood as
logical progressions of the application of principles, which the
average person can learn to apply.
Without the education that the Body Electronics seminars,
books, tapes, etc can give, I would not expect an outsider
trained in other methods, to ever agree with this new
appreciation without their thorough investigation.
Indeed, Health Professionals who have courageously attended
Body Electronics seminars, have found that they needed to put
aside they're professional education for a little while, to be
able to comprehend the enormity and simplicity of this new
perspective. This added dimension of understanding has also
given them more to offer their every day clients, in terms of
understanding and theoretical tools.
This is ancient knowledge, rediscovered over the last century,
and applied in a systematic way, in our time. We are indeed,
13Summary & Conclusion
1Our new challenge is to offer Body
Electronics participants safety and support, while maintaining
their right to autonomy. Participants must never be pressured
nor manipulated into giving up the Body Electronics program,
especially while a healing crisis is in progress.
2When people are taking medication for
a medical condition and start Body Electronics, it may be
important to maintain medical supervision. Medication level can
then be monitored and, at the appropriate time, safely reduced
as the participants' body gradually regenerates.
3One main difference between Body
Electronics and other therapies, is the manner by which bodymind
balance is affected. Body Electronics takes people by their own
intent, out of their level of balance (or non-balance) and
propels them to higher levels of balance, through expansion of
awareness and regeneration of body structure and function. In
this way, longer-term resistance to disease is also assured.
4Discomfort or pain during a Body
Electronics healing crisis needs to be monitored carefully by
the participant. If ever in doubt about such symptoms, please
first consult the Body Electronics practitioner. If other health
professionals are involved, they may need to blend their
professional knowledge with this new appreciation of Body
Electronics and the healing crisis.
5Once a person has started Body
Electronics (being the nutrient saturation program AND
pointholding sessions), they may need to keep taking the
proteolytic enzymes at least, until the pancreas has
regenerated. If a person stops Body Electronics by choice prior
to this, they may still need to keep taking these enzymes.
6Please educate yourself about Body
Electronics, particularly in relation to the healing crisis. The
understanding gained will have its own intelligent action when
offering support to a participant.
We are all care-givers, whether a part of the health
professions, families or friends. And we try hard to do our best
for people we care for.
It is only normal that we apply what knowledge is available to
us... yet there may be other viewpoints than our own,
particlularly when people are involved with Body Electronics.
Let us not react either emotionally or professionally, but
allow ourselves to care just as much, with this newfound
understanding which Body Electronics brings to the world.
C.V. Mosbly Company (1986) "Mosby's Medical & Nursing
Dictionary" 2nd ed. St. Louis
Stryer et. al. (2002). Biochemistry (5th ed.). New York: Freeman.
ISBN 0-7167-4684-0. at Wikipedia, weblink: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chymotrypsin
Douglas Morrison (2006) "How We Heal Understanding the
Mind-Body-Spirit Connection" 2nd ed. North Atlantic Books;
weblink: www.amazon.com/...
Henry Lindlahr, M.D. (1922) "Nature Cure Philosophy &
Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure" weblink: www.soilandhealth.org/...
Copyright © 2018 John Robert
BodyMindHealing.info All Rights Reserved.