12 Points on


© Written and compliled by Dr John Whitman Ray N.D., M.D. (M.A.)

from "Patient's Guide to Body Electronics" by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray (1994)


1The focus of attention has been placed on environmental issues internationally. This is a positive step forward. It has been my personal concern that environmental issues begin at home and with something as close as our personal body. An individual cannot think properly, cannot reason clearly, cannot act rationally while his own personal body is contaminated with environmental chemicals, pesticides, pollutions of indescribable numbers and improper diet. Therefore the following is only one of many issues that require our attention - this issue is oxygen.

2We are living today in a chemically oriented society. The vast majority of people are adversely affected every day by chemical poisons. More than 3000 chemicals are added to our food. Over 700 chemicals can be found in city drinking water. Thousands of pesticides are added to the soil every year. There are toxins in the atmosphere, petrochemicals, toxic cosmetics, etc. There are medical drugs which the body in its weakened condition is incapable of metabolizing and eliminating such as tranquillizers, pain control pills, diet and sleeping pills, arthritis medication, allergy pills, anaesthetics, headache medication etc. ad nauseam. There are street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, crack, angel dust, amphetamines. Then there are the nicotine, caffeine and the most abused drug of all, alcohol. All of these play a major role in the bio-chemical causes of stress, helping to create the biochemically stressed personality. Chemical residue from these substances can cause severe personality changes. Through simple contact or prolonged use people have literally poisoned their systems. They suffer from chronic cellular toxicity. These people behave irrationally when poisoned, experiencing everything from life as an emotional rollercoaster to hostility and paranoia.

3Psychological therapy does not help a person make significant progress when they are suffering from chemical toxicity. A proper diet is not enough once one has contaminated cells. It is necessary to begin treatment by initiating a consistent and determined detoxification process. The biochemical personality requires a nutrient saturation of enzymes, a broad range of colloidal minerals, a complete complex of amino acids or protein which is derived from uncooked food, essential fatty acids, and vitamins from natural foods. Most important the body needs to be oxygenated properly before any gains can be expected. It is possible to restore a chemically affected individual back to a healthy, natural state by a thorough removal of these poisons. This process of healing is accelerated by the application of Body Electronics which promotes healing by restoring the nerve supply and circulation to the body that the nutrient saturation may reach the cells of the body that they may detoxify.

4These toxic chemicals lodge in the fat tissues, in the lymphatic system and create a sluggish elimination. They in turn generate free radicals causing cell damage, aging, while inhibiting the body’s ability to assimilate the nutrient saturation we have mentioned. These toxins have a detrimental psychological effect on one’s emotions causing many various reactions such us confusion, doubt, pessimism, an inability to think clearly, dulled perception, indifference, and forgetfulness, to name a few of the many symptoms. These toxins create imbalances in the body’s energy system making one prone to stress and disease. In drug abuse cases, it is certain that chemical residue stimulates further drug use in an attempt to reduce fatigue and toxic reactions.

5At the present time let us focus on the Oxygen crisis.

1Over 1/3 of the Earth’s surface is unusable, non-producing desert land.

2The USA consumes more oxygen than any other country.

3Oxygen is generated in large part by the process of photosynthesis from our forests. Tree cover is a main indicator of the Earth’s health, as it furnishes oxygen for us to breath. 11 million hectares of forest are being cleared each year. India has lost more than 30% of its greenery. Air pollution and acid rain are killing much of the forests in North America. Degraded soil chemistry where soil minerals have been depleted makes replanting impossible. Soil microbes cannot live in mineral deficient soil.

4A human being must use 500 - 700 litres of oxygen in a 24- hour period to stay healthy. An adult uses 1/3 ton of oxygen every year. If we add the oxygen consumption of our modern convenience appliances, this brings the oxygen use to 6 tons per person, per year.

5Burning 10 gallons of petrol will consume approximately 23 kilograms of oxygen; enough to supply a human being with oxygen for 3 weeks.

6The USA leads the world in fossil fuel emissions; there is an output of 1.2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. It would require 7-14 billion acres of trees to offset these emissions just for the United States alone.

7Approximately 90% of the body’s energy is created by oxygen. All body activities, from brain function to elimination, are regulated by oxygen. The ability to think, feel and act comes from the energy created by oxygen. The best way to optimize health is to oxygenate every cell in our body.

8One of the many reasons for a lack of oxygen is our polluted atmosphere. 200 years ago, the air was composed of an estimated 38% oxygen and approximately 290 parts per million (ppm) carbon dioxide. Today, it is less than 19.6% oxygen and approximately 380 ppm carbon dioxide. Many reasons such as planet deforestation, demineralized soil, chemical and auto pollutants, have contributed to the present condition. There is less energy in our system due to oxygen deprivation to produce the vital metabolic energy to survive healthy and well. It is vitally important that we consider increasing our intake of oxygen in conjunction with appropriate nutrients.

9Dr. Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate, was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cancer. He said "Cancer has only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic (lacking in oxygen) cell respiration." In other words, the growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancers cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.

10Dr. Harry Goldblatt whose findings were published in the "Journal of Experimental Medicine" determined that the lack of oxygen plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous.

11Dr. Albert Wahl said, "Disease is due to a deficiency in the oxidation process of the body, leading to the accumulation of toxins. These toxins ordinarily are burned in normal metabolic functioning."

12Dr. Wendell Hendricks of the Hendricks Research Foundation wrote: "Cancer is a condition within the body where the oxidation has become so depleted that the body cells have degenerated beyond physiological control. This depleting action may be the result of long standing virus infection or allergies. The body becomes so overwhelmed with toxins that it automatically sets up a "natural defense" in the form of a tumour mass, to harbour these poisons and remove them from general activity within the body.

"A tumour is nature’s protection to the patient, and unless the source of toxins is removed, the toxins will continue to accumulate and the "mass" will grow larger and larger. Our intention is to remove the cause of cancer by oxidizing the body toxins into anti-toxins. This allows the tumour mass to shrink in size as there is no more use for it, i.e., no further accumulation of body toxins."

Dr. Hendricks states, "The true cause of allergy is lowered oxidation process within the body, causing the affected individual to be sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated."

13Dr. Steven Levine in his book Antioxidant Adaptation; Its Role in Free Radical Pathology, 1985, stated: "Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative diseases."

14"Oxidation Catalyst", an article written in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, Dr. W. Spencer Way writes: Internal respiration is the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide which takes place at the individual cell level. Without this, normal metabolism cannot take place, since it is the oxidation (burning) of the nutritional elements which makes for their complete assimilation by the cell. Likewise, oxidation of the waste products of the cell metabolism makes possible their complete elimination. So, if we assume that the cells in question do receive proper nutritional elements, vitamins, minerals, proteins, hormones, etc. - in the presence of a normal oxidation process, we should have healthy cells, thus healthy tissue.

15Dr. Horst Kief in Bad Hersfeld, West Germany, has already cured a number of AIDS victims by drawing blood, infusing it with ozone and returning it to the patient, at regular intervals until the virus is gone.

16Ozone overcomes the AIDS virus by a fundamentally different process than usually attempted with drugs. Instead of burdening the liver and immune system with more elaborate toxic substances, ozone simply oxidizes the molecules in the shell of the virus.

17As ozone molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy which destroys all lipid-envelope virus, and apparently most other disease organisms as well, while leaving blood cells unharmed. The AIDS virus is a lipid-envelope virus which is destroyed by oxygen.

18The AIDS virus will not return, as long as the patient maintains his blood in an oxygen-positive state, through proper breathing exercise, and clean diet. When the blood oxygen level drops below approximately 85% then viral material, bacteria, and other anaerobic (low oxygen) pathogens are able to proliferate. In a high oxygen environment in the blood these parasites, bacteria and viral material cannot exist.

19Ozone infusion provides a simple method of purifying stored blood and blood components, eliminating any possibility of disease being transmitted by transfusion. There are 10,000 known victims of Hepatitis "C" in New Zealand alone due to blood transfusions. All these can be helped now as well as those with Hepatitis "A" and "B".

20All hostile microorganisms require lower oxygen levels than the body’s cells require to remain healthy. Boosting the oxygen level within the body revitalizes normal cells while killing virus and other pathogens. Various physicians have independently discovered ozone to be effective against cancer, leukaemia, arthritis, coronary heart disease, arterial circulation disorders, colitis, gum disease, and assorted children’s diseases. Much information can be found in Medical Applications of Ozone available from the International Ozone Association, 83 Oakwood Terrace, Norwalk CT 06850.

21Dr. S. Rilling of Stuttgart and Dr. Renate Viebahn of Iffexheim are among growing numbers of physicians who have obtained similar results using ozone with their patients. The AIDS virus is eventually totally destroyed by the use of Ozone therapy.

22At the Syracuse, NY, university Hospital Research Facilities, Dr. Bernard Poiesz has proven that the proper amounts of ozone administered correctly, have achieved a 100% kill ratio of AIDS viruses, both within and outside of the cells, without harming any normal cells. More than ten replications of the same study have been completed.

23A Book that must be obtained to explain the up to date methods of oxygen therapy is Oxygen Therapies, by Ed McCabe, obtained from Energy Publications, 99-RD 1, Morrisville, NY 13408, USA.

6It appears that various treatments are available for Oxygen Therapy. In the attached pages Medizone provides a unique and proven method which is available and has a proven success rate. It is suggested that every avenue be looked into for the provision of equipment of this nature, in view of current international conditions regarding the AIDS virus. For example, at the present time in excess of 40% of the entire population of Zaire has AIDS. This is not unlike the rest of Africa, as the reports from Mali, Uganda, Kenya, etc. are similar, if not more alarming.

7It has been well established that AIDS directly affects the Central Nervous System. AIDS dernentia is the result of this affliction resulting in loss of brain tissue, resulting in paranoia, abnormal behavior, unstable mentality, confusion in sound judgement, emotional instability, etc... It has been established through brain scans that 50% of those with HIV positive diagnosis are suffering from AIDS dementia and 90% of those with symptoms of AIDS are suffering from AIDS dementia. Hopefully, those in charge of decision making in economics and politics will not come in contact with war making policies. What can be expected is more and more civil unrest due to sickened minds. What can be expected is more and more error in human thinking affecting government and the lives of populations around the globe.

8An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It would be suggested that every avenue be pursued to acquire equipment which would be used conventionally until diagnosis would indicate the need for specific treatment of such devastating illness.

9There are monied people who have approached this compiler who would be willing to negotiate the purchase of such equipment with the support of Government and Health Officials. Every internal prejudice should be set aside and mutual cooperation on the part of all parties should be established to prepare for the inevitable.

10Dr. Robert Strecker MD, Ph. D has produced a wealth of information concerning the origin of the AIDS virus. Information can be requested from Dr. Robert Strecker, M.D., 1501-OT Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041.

11It would be wise to acquire a subscription to Townsend Letter for Doctors., 911 Tyler Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368-6541, USA. This publication has extensive information on alternative health care which is becoming increasingly popular among the younger better informed practitioners.

12It would be wise to acquire a subscription to Health Consciousness, P.O. Box 550, Oveido, Florida 32765, USA. This publication is Edited and published by Roy Kupsinel, M.D. and seeks to bring truth in alternative health care from a variety of sources to inform the Health Care Practitioners around the world.