Body Electronics Guide© Written by Dr John Whitman Ray N.D., M.D. (M.A.) from "Patient's Guide to Body Electronics" by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray (1994) (Reading list edited/updated by site author for relevancy to site) 1The first prime responsibility of each patient is to assume full responsibility for one's state of health, physically, emotionally and mentally. All cure comes from within, not from without as all disease begins with the consciousness of man when out of harmony with universal law. Likewise, return to health begins with the consciousness of man aligning itself with divine law. A physician can only be a teacher to aid one in understanding how the body functions and how to help one to regain and maintain perfect health which will take place when one is in harmony with nature. One must be wise to recognize that there is a time, place and purpose for all things under heaven. First, do what is necessary to save a life. If a medication will suppress a symptom of disease then use the medication, then while the patient is recovering use natural medicine. One must realize that an herbal method of healing may not work on people who have weakened their body with the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, cooked food and processed food. These people may require a medical approach to save their life in a life threatening situation wherein herbal remedies will have little effect on a body in ill health. Now, people in good health respond quickly to natural medicine. It is a wise person who can discriminate when one or the other should be used and it is individual responsibility which should always be maintained as only the individual has the right to choose what is to be done with his/her body. 2After one makes a decision as to which direction to follow to regain and maintain maximum health, one then must make an appointment for an Iris-Sclera Integrated Diagnosis. Once it is ascertained what to do regarding a nutritional program and a program for the application of Body Electronics one then must make choices as whether to follow a nutritional program or not or whether or not to follow the Body Electronics which leads to bodily regeneration. It is understandable that these programs take time and dedication and reflect a change in living and eating habits. Remember, freedom of choice in health care is a God-given right and people have the individual responsibility to make that choice and alone must bear the consequences of that choice. One must train oneself to read. If necessary, with a dictionary in one hand and a book in the other. We perish without knowledge. Without knowledge we cannot govern our lives in a responsible manner. Obtain and read information on:
[All of the above are available at or via] Understanding Body Electronics